R Code for HW 2

If you wanted to do HW 2 in R, here’s one way you could have done it:

require(mvtnorm) # for rmvnorm() 
require(Matrix)  # for diagonal matrix

# create the data
n <- 1000
sds <- c(1,2,3,5,2,1)
means <- c(rep(0,length(sds)))
cov.matrix <- as.matrix(Diagonal(length(sds),sds))
mydata <- rmvnorm(n,means,cov.matrix)

# label the data
colnames(mydata) <- c("alpha","x1","x2","b1","b2","error")
mydata <- data.frame(mydata)

# show b1

# create and show y
y <- alpha + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + error

Note that rmvnorm() relies on the covariance matrix rather than the correlation matrix.

If you wanted to use the correlation matrix (as drawnorm does in Stata), here’s how you could do it:

{% highlight r linenos %} require(mvtnorm) # for rmvnorm() require(Matrix) # for diagonal matrix

cor_to_cov <- function (sds,cor.matrix) { diag.matrix <- Diagonal(length(sds),sds) return(as.matrix(diag.matrix %% cor.matrix %% diag.matrix)) }

n <- 1000 cor.matrix <- matrix(c( 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1),3) sds <- c(1,2,1) means <- c(rep(0,length(sds))) mydata <- rmvnorm(n,means,cor_to_cov(sds,cor.matrix))

colnames(mydata) <- c(“alpha”,“x1”,“b1”) summary(mydata[,“b1”]) plot(density(mydata[,“b1”])) {% endhighlight %}

The full .R file for all this is here.