R Code for Maximum Likelihood

In class we learned about Stata’s ml command.

R actually has several similar commands. Below is an R equivalent for most of what is covered in the Class 3 sheet, using R’s optim() command. R is very useful for this sort of thing, so I’ll try to walk through it in one of the labs.

ml.logit <- function(specification, data, betas.init, method) { 

	beta.iterations		<- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=dim(data)[2])
	loglik.iterations 	<- numeric(0)
	sumloglik <- function(beta, y, x){ 	
        loglik <- sum(-y*log(1 + exp(-(x%*%beta))) - (1-y)*log(1 + exp(x%*%beta)))
        loglik.iterations 	<<- c(loglik.iterations, loglik)
        beta.iterations		<<- rbind(beta.iterations, betas=beta)

        return(-loglik) # switch sign b/c optim() minimizes rather than maximizes

	# get the dependent variable name
	dv = rownames(attr(terms(specification),"factors"))[1]
	# now get dependent variable data
	y = as.numeric(data[,match(dv,colnames(data))])

	# now get all our independent variable data
	# note: model.matrix() creates a matrix with an initial column
	# of 1s plus all columns in "data" corresponding
	# to right-hand side variables in "specification"
	x=model.matrix(specification, model.frame(data))
	# name betas
	names(betas.init) = colnames(x) 
	mle = optim(betas.init,sumloglik,x=x,y=y,hessian=T, control=list(trace=6),method=method)
	return(list(betas=mle$par,vcov=solve(mle$hessian),log.likelihood=-mle$value, beta.iterations = beta.iterations, loglik.iterations=loglik.iterations))


# create data
n <- 1000
x1 <- rnorm(n,0,3) 
x2 <- rnorm(n,0,5)
require(arm) # if not installed, can also use pnorm()
y <- rbinom(n,1,invlogit(x1-x2))

# specify model, data, etc
data <- data.frame(x1=x1,x2=x2,y=y)
specification <- as.formula("y~x1+x2")
betas.init <- rep(0,dim(data)[2]) # length works b/c y dropped, but intercept added
method <- "Nelder-Mead" # also try "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN", "Brent"

# run model
model <- ml.logit(specification,data,betas.init,method)

# check against regular logit
(model2 <- glm(y~x1+x2,family="binomial"(link="logit")))

# plot evolution of likelihood and parameters
plot(model$loglik.iterations, xlab="Iteration", ylab="Log-Likelihood", cex=.6)
plot(model$beta.iterations[,1], xlab="Iteration", ylab="Intercept Estimate", cex=.6) # evolution of Intercept
plot(model$beta.iterations[,2], xlab="Iteration", ylab="b1 Estimate", cex=.6) # evolution of b1
plot(model$beta.iterations[,3], xlab="Iteration", ylab="b2 Estimate", cex=.6) # evolution of b2

You can download the full code here.